This corridor is a tarred 263-kilometre road running from Nyamapanda on the Zimbabwean border through the Mozambican city of Tete to Zobue on the Malawi border.
There are no roads west from Chama across the Luangwa Valley, but a little-used dirt track follows the Malawi border further north and crosses into Isoka District of Northern Province west of the Nyika Plateau.
The next morning Daniel beaded eastwards towards Chipata and the Malawi border.
It mainly crosses Malawi borders through Mozambique and Zimbabwe, to South Africa.
Tukuyu is on the main road to Malawi and there are daily connections to the Malawi border and further land inwards.
A Three-Day Walk At the Mankhokwe refugee camp here, Tomee Dave sat under a tree with his wives, Celestine and Lenita, and told of walking for three days with a dozen others to get to the Malawi border.
Much of the population of Chama District lives close to the Malawi border and shares tribal and cultural links with the people of the northern highlands of that country.
Two new lines will be built, as well as the new coal port; one between Moatize and the Malawi border, and the other between Mossuril and Ponta Mamuaxi.
The official Mozambican press agency had not reported the incident as of this afternoon but responded to an inquiry with a message saying that a group of foreigners had been captured near the Malawi border, possibly after entering illegally with guerrillas.
Petauke is 400 km from the capital city Lusaka, roughly halfway between Lusaka and the Malawi border.