Travancore-Cochin, was in turn merged with the Malabar district of the Madras State.
As a part of her doctorate work, she did field research in Malabar district from 1947 to 1949.
Thus both the left and right groups joined together in order to ensure the success of the Congress candidates in the election of 1936 in Malabar district.
But today, Malabar is only used for the former Malabar district, or northern districts of Kerala state.
These islands were attached to the Malabar district of the Madras Presidency.
During British Raj, this place was under Malabar district.
The taluk existed during Colonial rule in India and was a part of the Malabar district under Madras Presidency.
Decision to give aided status to 35 schools only from Malabar districts invited lot of criticism.
The northern region, reaching up to the present day district of Thrissur constituted the Malabar district of Madras Presidency.
The southern Malabar district welcomed this movement in a great spirit.