In an effort to preserve a chunk of Maine wilderness, an international conservation group announced today that it was buying 185,000 acres of forest from a paper company.
Botanists and archeological experts have verified that the item found by the search team is not one that would occur naturally in the patch of untamed Maine wilderness that Mr. Gillespie has pinpointed.
However, in The Tommyknockers Becka Paulson's powers come from a strange alien craft lodged in the ground in the Maine wilderness.
For his 11-year-old son, he grabbed "The Sign of the Beaver," about a boy entrusted with guarding his family's homestead in the Maine wilderness.
Also interred here is Dr. Sylvester Gardiner, who in 1753 purchased an immense tract of Maine wilderness where he founded what is now the city of Gardiner.
His daring midwinter assault on Quebec (a bold, costly slash across the Maine wilderness) earned him acclaim as "America's Hannibal."
Meanwhile, Colonel Benedict Arnold persuaded Washington to have him lead his own separate expedition through the Maine wilderness.
I don't see the Maine wilderness vanishing.
Benedict Arnold carried a smaller version on his trip through the Maine wilderness in the fall of 1777.
It depicts their march though the Maine wilderness in 1775 for a surprise attack upon Quebec with the hope of adding it as a fourteenth colony.