I have read the Maine law; others like it are sure to follow.
The pharmaceutical industry expressed displeasure with the new Maine law.
They selected the name as a result of the 1853 Maine law.
The case was based on a Maine law prohibiting such tax advantages for charities that primarily serve people from other states.
Under Maine law, a hunter can discharge a firearm no closer to a house than 300 feet.
The Maine law says a doctor may help a patient "appeal a managed care plan's decision to deny payment for a service."
He said Maine law requires that indigenous species be protected.
Maine law requires a disclosure report from any organizations that raises more than $5,000 for a ballot question campaign.
Maine law at the time required a majority vote for election, necessitating additional ballots in the 7th district.
Maine law requires organizations that raise more than $5000 for a ballot question campaign file disclosure reports.