Put it this way - if the Mail hadn't published the 'Murderers' front page, do any of you tiny-minded Guardianistas think that this newspaper would?
To those who say the Mail wouldn't have published if the accused were rich, what complete nonsense.
On September 21, 2006, The Globe and Mail published an editorial on the affair.
The Mail did not publish a story based on the phone call and made no attempt to contact the Dowlers directly.
The Globe and Mail published Bringhurst's response, which was later called "considerably more measured".
A week later the Mail published the first of Michael's articles in its Saturday magazine edition.
On 5 July 2009, the Mail on Sunday newspaper published a lengthy interview with Harris, in which she claimed to be penniless and homeless.
The Mail publishes an interview with Gordon Brown, carried out prior to him becoming prime minister, about the death of his first child, Jennifer.
This weekend the Mail on Sunday published an article under the headline, "BBC may be prosecuted for offering £40,000 to 'child smugglers'".
The Mail on Sunday will always publish the correction in print, he says.