A nine foot tall rock was placed by an artist in Seattle's Magnuson Park, like the one in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Today, the land is occupied by Magnuson Park.
The aircraft now sits under 155' of water near the boat ramp at Magnuson Park.
More than 140 Italian-made cars and bikes in Magnuson Park.
It is mostly occupied by Magnuson Park and gives its name to the Sand Point neighborhood to the west.
Magnuson Park may not have been accessible to civilians until the late 1980s, when the Sandpoint Naval Air Station was closed.
Its central Program Center located in Seattle's Magnuson Park is complete with education facilities for all aspects of the alpine environment.
The band named themselves after a wind-channeling pipe sculpture, "The Sound Garden," located in Magnuson Park, Seattle.
The group wanted help to retrieve the artwork and asked for permission to have it reinstalled at Magnuson Park.
It is occupied by Magnuson Park, parts of View Ridge, Windermere and gives its name to the Sand Point neighborhood to the west.