Law-enforcement officials said the raids were part of an inquiry into suspected Mafia influence.
Randy Mastro, a lawyer for the company, said the city was ignoring the law that was established to keep the market free of Mafia influence.
When asked about Mafia influence at the market, he replied with a vulgarity and added, "We're clean."
Robinson, as informant, states that he feared for his family as Black Mafia influence grew.
The reason: many out-of-town companies said they were intimidated by the reputation of the city's construction industry for corruption, violence and Mafia influence.
The union has accepted a Justice Department order to rid itself of Mafia influence and is being supervised.
Heavy Mafia influence, but even that wasn't dominant.
But law-enforcement officials acknowledge that the convictions have done little to reform the locals or remove Mafia influence in the industry.
City officials contend that Mafia influence, violence and corruption have hurt business in the market.
Describing the administration's charges of Mafia influence as "wildly exaggerated," he said it was discouraging shippers and retail buyers from using the market.