A bit on her teenage self rehearsing steps from a Madonna video convulsed the audience for more than a minute.
The tale as told around the tents had all the sordid flavor of a Madonna video.
Someone else designed her look, having seen some Madonna videos.
About.com listed as the best Madonna video.
He turns up here with an earring and an attitude, directing a Madonna video full of bathing-suited men.
But did these 20th-century girls, raised on Madonna videos and the 6 o'clock news, really trust that people were good until they themselves were raped?
Though well past fifty, she looked like an escapee from a Madonna video.
And for each big-selling Madonna video, there are dozens of other tapes that sell well under 50,000 copies, making profits relatively small.
The drawing power of a Madonna video is not hard to explain.
At the Madonna video, the director treats Joe and the other extras like cattle.