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There are other important points, particularly on the macroeconomic side.
He believes in the need for a Community macroeconomic policy.
And there is more than one macroeconomic theory in the world.
However, the macroeconomic effects will not only be at the consumer level.
This year is likely to be very similar to 2011 where the major macroeconomic events are concerned.
And, to complete the picture, macroeconomic factors are playing a part.
Does it mean the Fed has less influence over macroeconomic policy?
But certainly some of them are macroeconomic, as reflected in this debate.
His research interests include macroeconomic policy and the economics of education.
I therefore believe that we should see macroeconomic dialogue in its true light.
What effect do changes in the amount of money have on the four macroeconomic objectives?
"We pay very little attention to the macroeconomic and the political environment.
With regard to macroeconomic issues, I would like to refer to three points.
The last decade has seen substantial development in macroeconomic theory.
The required change in policy begins with the overall or macroeconomic performance of the economy.
When that failed, bank executives turned to good macroeconomic policy.
Written in Spanish, they also comment on national macroeconomic issues.
The new regulation on macroeconomic surveillance should deal with these two problems.
That is Britain's macroeconomic policy, to go naked into the market place.
This can include reforms to macroeconomic policy, the civil service, and public financial management.
More important, the macroeconomic models do not take future monetary policy into account.
Hence, they are calling for new trade and macroeconomic policies.
A new volume is now being prepared to cover macroeconomic policy over the period 1974 to 1987.
In return for aid, there shall be no tax or macroeconomic conditions.
His major research areas include macroeconomic policies, economic development, and enterprise reform.