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To answer the question, we have to move away from macroeconomics and look at the experience of individual companies.
Such an approach will be familiar to anyone who has ever done a course in macroeconomics.
It has since been used, among else, in the analysis of industrial organization, macroeconomics and political economy.
This includes standard analysis of the business cycle in macroeconomics.
The Government clearly has been getting the macroeconomics right.
In macroeconomics and accounting, a good is contrasted with a service.
It is different from macroeconomics which looks at how the economy works as a whole ("on aggregate").
The stock market is run on entirely different dynamics than the macroeconomics.
His current research interest includes monetary economics and international macroeconomics.
Most Mexican union members did not take into consideration the forces of macroeconomics.
This is a good point when the focus is on macroeconomics.
For this reason, we started the book with microeconomics and only now turn to the study of macroeconomics.
Finally, we considered briefly the meaning of an equilibrium in macroeconomics.
He has published widely in the areas of macroeconomics, development economics, and economic theory.
Two million college students a year are enrolled in introductory macroeconomics courses.
I mean, what is the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics, anyway?
As a matter of macroeconomics, there were at least two solutions to putting cooler air around Americans.
Other schools, such as new classical macroeconomics, developed from general equilibrium theory.
He had to take a macroeconomics final that was faxed to him at the team's hotel today.
"Eventually, you are into futurology, and you've left macroeconomics behind."
"If we hadn't got the macroeconomics right," he said, "it would be much more difficult to make progress on the real side of the economy."
"The problem lies in too much of the macroeconomics approach in recent years."
Macroeconomics studies the economic decisions of a large group of people; for example, a whole country's economy.
Many governments use macroeconomics to decide how much tax to collect, and what interest rates should be.
Its research activities focus on international economics and macroeconomics.