Monopros began investigating potential diamond areas in the Mackenzie Valley in the early 1980's.
With its customary foresight, the IIBC refused to participate in a new scheduled air service between Edmonton and the Mackenzie Valley.
The commission recommended that no pipeline be built through the northern Yukon and that a pipeline through the Mackenzie Valley should be delayed for 10 years.
At the same time, the commission saw no significant environmental risk further south through the Mackenzie Valley.
The pipeline would go south through the Mackenzie Valley to Fort Simpson and then continue south to Alberta.
Mackenzie Valley wolves introduced into Yellowstone have taken down adult Plains Bison, proving their success and adaptability in a whole new environment.
They live in the Mackenzie Valley (south of the Inuvialuit), and can be found west of Nunavut.
The receive a share of annual resource revenues from development in the Mackenzie Valley as per the agreement, including a share in Norman Wells oil and gas royalties.
The order and its 3 great groups were defined in 1973, after soil and terrain surveys in the Mackenzie Valley yielded new knowledge about the properties, genesis and significance of these soils.
The all-overland route would have carried Arctic oil through Canada's Mackenzie Valley via Edmonton and obviated the use of tankers.