Keanu Reeves chatted on camera with "Access Hollywood" and MTV reporters.
Senator Alan K. Simpson told an MTV reporter that young people (18 to 40 as he quaintly defined them), must get organized as a political lobby.
Ms. Soren, other MTV reporters and the channel's colorful Choose or Lose bus are making stops around the country to interview young people and cover political news.
"Always stand with hot men," he told an MTV reporter, "they make great accessories!"
Initially he is calm and cooperative, giving food, condoms, beer and an MTV reporter by request.
In its jazzed-up campaign, CNN also just added Serena Altschul, a sleek 31-year-old MTV reporter, as part of a new journalistic mod squad.
Richard and Fred Fairgrass (a k a Right Said Fred), were being interviewed by an MTV reporter.
See the funny (and accidental) blow an MTV reporter took from the British star, HERE!
A track from the album called "Valley of Death" was what stood out to MTV reporters.
Abbie Kearse, an MTV reporter who covers hip hop, was standing a few feet from Mr. Starsky.