If you have MS, your family doctor or internist can treat your general health problems even if you see a neurologist for MS treatment.
Because of this risk, Tysabri is usually recommended for patients who cannot tolerate or have not responded to other MS treatments.
This is a very new area of research in MS treatment.
He wrote a 28th paper ca 1980, an unpublished update about MS treatment.
In November 2009 he was transferred from Chonburi Prison so he could obtain MS treatment at the prison hospital.
It's key to tailoring multiple sclerosis treatment just for you, and it's especially helpful if you need to make changes to your MS treatment along the way.
- Your chances may be higher if you are also being treated with medicines that weaken your immune system, including other MS treatments.
MS treatment seeks to reduce symptoms and decrease the rate of progression of the disease.
Follow the links below to find WebMD's comprehensive coverage about how MS treatments help relieve symptoms, prevent nervous system damage, and much more.
He writes a really beautiful about his family life and the pain of MS treatment, and also came up with the idea to get people to record his song for charity.