The drive to develop MLS operating systems was severely hampered by the dramatic fall in data processing costs in the early 1990s.
Although some MLS systems became operational in the 1990s, the widespread deployment initially envisioned by its designers never became a reality.
MLS systems contain hundreds of fields of information about the features of a property.
In most real estate board / MLS systems, there are generally two types of listing agreements, although some Boards allow others.
Unlike the MLS system, all Liguilla matches are two-legged ties.
However, it would be difficult to conduct business without having access to the MLS system.
The entire MLS system for a particular approach was isolated in one or two boxes located beside the runway, dramatically reducing the cost of implementation.
Sanitization is a problem area for MLS systems.
Covert channels pose another problem for MLS systems.
There are several databases classified as MLS systems.