Some retailers make people show identification to prove their age if they want to buy M-rated games.
This is certainly going to be an M-rated game.
His parents slowly let M-rated games into the house, starting with Halo.
The instructions are easy to follow, and it's a simple way to make sure your children aren't playing M-rated games in your absence.
We were an M-rated game, and everybody knew the content that was in there, so it became almost a non-issue.
Good conversations can arise from this, especially if an M-rated game unexpectedly turns up in the scout's collection.
It's harder to buy an M-rated game than it is to see an R-rated movie.
The unit also has a full suite of parental controls (no more excuses for letting your kids play M-rated games).
Game industry analysts say that M-rated games - usually so rated because of graphic violence - are now the fastest-growing genre in the home market.
It does not show M-rated games on in-store monitors.