On 22 March 1993, four students died while kayaking in Lyme Bay on a school trip, led by instructors from a local activity centre.
Lyme Bay is sheltered from northwest, west and southwest winds, common at this time of year.
Two former coastguard's cottages built in 1823, with panoramic views over Lyme Bay.
The sheltered location in Lyme Bay means the climate is mild and frost/snow are rare, ensuring a long growing season.
It is also a small hamlet on the coast of Lyme Bay.
She was sunk as a target ship on 4 November 1913 in Lyme Bay.
Scallopers and dredgers were banned from part of Lyme Bay, an important reef habitat, but overfishing continued.
The area along the coast of Lyme Bay is thus a popular holiday destination.
On 22 March 1993, four schoolchildren died in what is known as the Lyme Bay kayaking tragedy.
Lyme Bay entered service in late 2007; the last ship of the class to join the RFA.