It marks the departure of Luke Smith from the regular cast.
The story starts with Luke Smith recording a message - he is frightened that somebody is coming.
The house just north of the train tracks was built by Luke Smith, the owner of the old sawmill, for his daughter, Dorothy.
Luke Smith (born 25 October 1976) is a former professional tennis player from Australia.
This story is therefore the first not to feature Luke Smith.
In 1928 she was married to Luke Smith, a musician, and remained with him until his death in 1936; they had no children.
The second assistant coach, Luke Smith, joined EMU in 2011.
Luke Smith, known as "Whispering" to some for his quiet, sly ways, is a detective for the railroad, sent to investigate.
In the lunch box, the bottles of milk marked "Luke Smith" sat, untouched.
I believe you mean Luke Smith.