Its successor, the current Louisville Zoo, would not open until 1969.
Sabu came originally came to the zoo around 1997, later went to the Louisville Zoo and returned to Cincinnati in 2008.
On 13 November 2010, the last female woolly monkey in the USA arrived from Louisville Zoo in Kentucky.
Portions of the parking fees benefited the Crusade for Children, and additional funds were raised for the Louisville Zoo and several other local non-profit groups.
Later in his life he became active in philanthropy, pledging $1.5 million in 1962 to fund the establishment of the Louisville Zoo.
The Louisville Zoo (1100 Trevilian Way; 502-459-2181) is known for its research into the reproduction of endangered species.
The Louisville Zoo was founded in 1969, on land acquired by the City of Louisville in the 1960s from the estate of Ben Collins.
The Louisville Zoo currently houses a group of the critically endangered Panamanian golden frogs.
An Indiana family that was on the train when the accident happened has sued the Louisville Zoo.
The hottest new attraction at the Louisville Zoo, 1100 Trevilian Way, (502) 459-2181, www.