The Louisville Orchestra, which celebrated its 60th anniversary last year, has a reputation extending well beyond the region.
Earlier this month dozens of musicians from the 66-year-old Louisville Orchestra appeared in formal attire at the city's unemployment office to file for benefits.
The Cathedral choirs have also performed many times with the Louisville Orchestra.
For the last 40 years, the Louisville Orchestra has been giving American composers a specific reason to write symphonic music.
The operas are accompanied by the Louisville Orchestra.
Also in 2007 he played solo trumpet on stage in performance with the Louisville Orchestra.
During the 1930s and 1940s she played violin for the Louisville Orchestra.
Mester became music director of the Louisville Orchestra in 1967 and served in the post until 1979.
More than 100,000 people attend the company's productions annually of which most are accompanied by the Louisville Orchestra.
It was also used by the Louisville Orchestra in that group's early days.