Only a few other living Louisiana Republicans have been members of the party longer than Treen.
Now Louisiana Republicans are once again talking about scheduling early caucuses, this time for Election 2000.
Louisiana Republicans recently passed a resolution that says their party will caucus first, no matter what caucus date Iowa sets.
Until 1952, Louisiana Republicans had not even offered a token name on gubernatorial general election ballot.
The 2012 Louisiana Republican primary took place on Saturday, March 24, 2012.
They were granted a 20-minute session with the Louisiana Republican.
The Louisiana Republican with whom I talked said his 401(k) account lost $7,000 in the quarter.
So the Louisiana Republican is about to open a second private club for even-bigger-game-minded friends and lobbyists on 1,500 acres in south Texas.
But in 1996, Louisiana Republicans ignored that claim and scheduled their caucuses first.
Hence very few living Louisiana Republicans have been members of the party longer than Lastrapes.