Louisiana Office of Tourism, Box 94291, Baton Rouge, La. 70804; (800) 334-8626 or (504) 342-8119.
"It looks good and we're pretty optimistic," said Mark Northington, research director of the Louisiana Office of Tourism.
The Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice now operates juvenile institutions.
However, he resigned from the senate on November 24, 2010, to accept the appointment as Commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
Jim Hutchinson, assistant secretary for the Louisiana Office of Tourism, called the occupancy numbers misleading, but not surprising.
Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness 7667 Independence Blvd.
Louisiana Office of Tourism, Box 94291, Baton Rouge, La. 70804; 800-334-8626; in state, 504-342-8119.
"They got slammed," said Hucky Purpera, a spokesman for the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness.
That makes it illegal, said Brian DeJean, a lawyer for the Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.
Centenary State Historic Site is run by the Louisiana Office of State Parks.