Loren Pope, 98, American education consultant, heart failure.
The event is known as the Colleges That Change Lives tour, after a book with that title by Loren Pope published in 1996 and revised this year.
Loren Pope listed Guilford College in his book Colleges That Change Lives.
Loren Pope, former education editor for The New York Times, included Southwestern in his 1996 book, Colleges That Change Lives.
- Loren Pope, Colleges That Change Lives.
The architect's reply was brief: "Dear Loren Pope: Of course I am ready to give you a house."
"Of course I will give you a house," responded architect Frank Lloyd Wright to the request by Loren Pope, a Falls Church resident.
Clark is one of 40 schools profiled in the book Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope.
The organization's work is inspired by Loren Pope, who died in 2008.
Agnes Scott is one of forty colleges profiled in the book Colleges That Change Lives by Loren Pope.