In some of the older parts of the Bible, particularly in those concerning the earlier prophets, the moon is frequently mentioned in connection with the Sabbath, which commemorated the seventh day, of creation, when the Lord rested from his labours.
Rajbhog: After his mid-day meal, the Lord is resting in the comfort of Nanadalay.
"The Lords can rest there if they wish to watch the torturing without being seen."
He entered the Dham without Lord Vishnu's permission and saw that the Lord was resting at that time.
The Lord of Cliffhaven paused and rested his back against a table of black rock.
When I explained that the Lord made the world in six days and rested on the seventh he decided to call himself Charlie Seven Days.
She explained that she went to aerobics three times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and walked on all the other mornings but Sunday, when even the Lord rested.
"And on the seventh day the Lord rested, and came to beautiful Wrigley Field, to watch the Chicago Cubs, play His own game, on His own green grass, under His own lights."
Three generations or so ago some odd character hit upon the discovery that the Christian churches had let the devil snare them into resting on the first day of the week, whereas the Bible states distinctly that the Lord "rested on the seventh day".