Lord Patten would have lost no literary effect if he'd referred to Balliol's "former master".
Lord Patten said a "leading cultural export" and said he would not be sacked.
Lord Patten of Barnes, as the second creation with that name, is.
For second mention he may be called Lord Patten, unless there is a danger of confusing him with his namesake.
Lord Patten; a week in the Lakes would do him good.
It was essential that newspapers re-establish trust with the public, said Lord Patten.
It would be wrong to import any model of regulation from the broadcast media, Lord Patten added.
Lord Patten, who receives £110,000 for his role as chairman, claimed £1,038 for taxis during the period.
Lord Patten was the subject of Radio 4's Profile two weeks ago.
He said: "Lord Patten's comment was merely a statement of fact.