A public inquiry, headed by Lord Laming, was ordered.
The current convenor is Lord Laming, who took office in September 2011.
It was to be chaired by Lord Laming of Tewin.
Lord Laming was replaced by Dame Janet.
When details of the toddler's death became public, Lord Laming authored a report calling for a "step change" in the way children were protected from harm.
Last week, Lord Laming published the results of his review into child protection services, commissioned after Baby P's death.
Another nationwide review was conducted by Lord Laming into his own recommendations concerning Victoria Climbié's killing in 2000.
Lord Laming would conduct a nationwide review of his own recommendations after the Victoria Climbié inquiry.
Report says children's services directors should undergo child protection training Full text of Lord Laming's report (pdf)
Lord Laming's review calls for changes to the law on child protection measures.