Occupy London protesters and supporters sing Christmas songs on the steps of St Paul's catherdral in London.
Occupy London protesters lose high court eviction case - video (4min 56sec)
Occupy London protesters 'will not obstruct remembrance events'
Occupy London protesters greet news of eviction ruling with quiet dismay 4.
- Occupy London protesters are still expecting to be served with eviction orders from the Corporation of London, the local authority that controls the City (see 1.36pm).
Of course the London protesters, camped out in a tent city near the Stock Exchange, have also been abused as "muddle-headed" layabouts and "Toytown Trots".
Occupy London protesters to learn eviction verdict 5.
Occupy London protesters lose high court eviction case - video 4.
Occupy London protesters to appeal against eviction ruling 4.
Occupy London protesters camped outside St Paul's Cathedral.