City of London magistrates fined him for the refusal but ruled he could keep his licence.
The youths, two aged 13, one aged 15 and a fourth aged 16, will appear at west London magistrates court today.
Benjamin Hicklin, a London magistrate who was in charge of such orders as Recorder, revoked the order of destruction.
It was upheld by a London magistrate last October and then appealed, leading to a plan for another hearing on March 20.
Henry Fielding in 1751 saw the matter from the perspective of a London magistrate, linking vagrancy to crime.
He is cheered on by his aunt, a London magistrate, who is fielding topless at square leg.
Smuggling would be the concern of the London magistrates, or the Excise, perhaps the naval authorities, but-- A small, distinct thump came from overhead.
This article is about the London magistrate.
Last October, Gen Pinochet lost his case before a London magistrate, who ordered him extradited to Spain.
She became a member of the advisory committee of London magistrates, and editor of Labour Woman.