They had three London casinos, two provincial casinos, interests in two others, 72 off track betting parlors, and six bingo parlors.
In the late 1990s it is reported that he walked into a major London casino and played £15 million on four roulette tables on his own and lost it all.
The team eventually stopped playing as their success led to Beevers being banned from 4 London casinos, and his father being banned from 19.
Between them they were banned from 21 out of 23 London casinos.
In addition, the original owner, Playboy Enterprises, designed the Atlantis gambling rooms on three levels connected by moving stairs, in imitation of London casinos.
He had starred in "Croupier," the story of a writer who takes a job in an underground London casino.
The British Government revoked the London casinos' licenses.
The British courts had revoked the licenses on the company's profitable London casinos, where a lot of Arab oil money was spent during the 1970's.
He's not into gambling, even though he owns a big slice of a London casino.
It was the first London casino opened by John Aspinall after he received a gaming licence under Britain's new gambling law.