Posing as a London businessman, he has already tricked at least two female estate agents in the North into meeting him alone.
A high-flying London businessman has to return to his working-class Liverpool roots when he returns to the city following a death in the family.
He retired from cricket in 2004 and is now a successful London businessman.
A people who could travel at will and regularly from one dimension to another, almost as easily as a London businessman going home to the suburbs!
On taking over the hotel, however, Andreas saw that it could be even more lucrative as a knocking-shop for London businessmen.
Other than that he might have been any slightly weary London businessman.
The narrator is a London businessman who withdraws to the countryside to write a play, by which he hopes to alleviate his financial problems.
His father, a London businessman in financial difficulties, had come to Ipswich to start a shop selling newspapers and stationery.
On hire again, a London businessman.
Some two-thirds of this land was bought by an industrialist and London businessman called John Christie.