His first London appearance was in 1790 at Covent Garden, where he practically remained until 1811, becoming the leading comedian of his day.
These London appearances helped them to secure a significant cult following.
This was the original so-called "Flight of Cruvelli", and for the time being put an end to her London appearances.
His first London appearance was on 21 April 1794, as Malcolm to his brother's Macbeth.
Jones, substituted in three consecutive games by Leeds, makes his first London appearance since leaving Wimbledon.
After five years in provincial repertory theatre he made his first London appearance in 1946.
His first London appearance was at the King's Theatre.
Her first professional London appearance was in As You Like It in 1900.
His posters for a London appearance featured abandoned canes and wheelchairs.
He made his last London appearance in 1958.