The first attacks were carried out by the Luftwaffe against Lithuanian cities and claimed lives of some 4,000 civilians.
Römer was born in the Lithuanian city of Vilna, where he spent most of his life.
In December 2011, it became a weekly newspaper circulating in seven Lithuanian cities.
Among Lithuanian cities with a population greater than 100,000, however, Klaipėda has the highest percentage of people whose native language is Russian.
Šančiai is an elderate in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas.
There are rugby clubs in all major Lithuanian cities.
Today there will be a meeting in Siauliai," he said, referring to other Lithuanian cities.
Dogbones performed live throughout Vilnius and in other Lithuanian cities.
- somehow or other, this Lithuanian city, despite its many recent changes, often has the feel of an old-world diorama sprung to life.
Antis' first comeback took place in 1996 when they performed three big concerts in major Lithuanian cities.