It further calls on Lithuanian citizens and economic organizations "to prepare for a period of austerity and spiritual endurance."
Lithuanian citizens are allowed to travel throughout the European Union without a visa.
Latin, being a church and humanitarian language, was studied by a number of Lithuanian citizens, mostly Catholics.
In 1941, he finished 1st, but he could not win the title as a then-foreign player (Lithuanian citizen).
Lithuania's prime minister denied that the justice official, who may be a Lithuanian citizen, worked for the government as a spy.
Only Lithuanian citizens will be allowed to vote in local elections.
The resolution also called on Lithuanian citizens to be ready for "strict economies" if an economic blockade went ahead.
There were calls to revoke the mandate of deputies who had failed to register as Lithuanian citizens.
The new Lithuanian citizens were exempt from military service until January 1930.
Two of the incidents resulted in the deaths of eight Lithuanian citizens.