"I think they have a fine defense," Lions Coach Bobby Ross said.
"When you transfer into a situation, it usually takes awhile to get the offense," Lions Coach Ray Tellier said.
But the victory did not please Lions Coach Wayne Fontes.
Lions Coach Wayne Fontes had a 5-10 team going into last night's game against San Francisco and could be dismissed today.
"We felt for a couple of weeks that we're not the same old Columbia team," said Lions Coach Ray Tellier.
"We're fortunate to play in the championship game," said Lions Coach Wayne Fontes.
"The score got away from us," Lions Coach Steve Mariucci said.
Lions Coach Wayne Fontes wanted to send Sanders back in the game so he could pick up the necessary yards to win the title.
Lions Coach Wayne Fontes played down the situation, saying that all of his players have played in cold weather before.
"We've got a pretty good football team," said Lions Coach Wayne Fontes.