This collection earned him fame among Lincoln scholars and researchers, most notably Carl Sandburg, who also became a client of his law practice.
To assemble the promised volume, the Governor over the summer called on some of the most prominent Lincoln scholars in the United States for suggestions.
She sent the manuscript to five Lincoln scholars and asked if they found the memoirs credible.
Meserve was highly regarded as a Lincoln photographic scholar for which he received, among other recognitions, an honorary degree and a Presidential medal.
The words have not been cited by any Lincoln scholar, except in derision.
Lincoln scholars say he educated himself by devouring newspapers, books, poetry and plays.
Several Lincoln scholars have already found the database to be useful.
I'm at least as equipped to look at parallel passages in texts as is a Lincoln scholar, perhaps even more so.
I wanted to gather the Lincoln scholars.
Lincoln scholars are still split on the authenticity of the poem.