Married in a pre-Revolutionary tavern, Mom was constitutionally incapable of passing up any restaurant with a name like the Spinning Wheel or the Lighthouse Inn.
Some houses, like Stuart and Suzie Morris's 93-year-old Lighthouse Inn, have been converted to bed-and-breakfasts.
The Lighthouse Inn has a new owner and a chef who once worked for Clint Eastwood.
Lighthouse Inn at Point Cabrillo.
Lighthouse Inn, 6 Guthrie Place, (860) 443-8411, ($95-$255) has 50 rooms in a 1902 mansion not far from the O'Neill home.
Julie tells Neil she thinks she can get him the money for his ticket and to meet her at the Lighthouse Inn at 6:30, not before.
It is owned by and sits on top of the Lighthouse Inn, a seasonal hotel.
So many of the 1938 guests asked to return, Stone changed his mind about developing the land and began the Lighthouse Inn, which continues in the Stone family.
Lighthouse Inn may refer to:
Jeannette Jones, a justice of the peace, officiated at the Lighthouse Inn in West Dennis, Mass.