At age 16 he was the youngest Australian pianist to gain a Licentiate Diploma of Music with distinction.
He went on to enroll in Trinity College, University of Dublin in 1790 and received the Licentiate Diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1795.
Prizes are awarded for the best academic achievement for the Associate Diploma and Licentiate Diploma.
Licentiate Diploma (Teachers) (LLSMD)
Chen was awarded his Licentiate Diploma of Music with distinction by the AMEB at age 11.
LDBBA (Licentiate Diploma in Brass Band Adjudication)
The Licentiate Diploma and Certificate in TESOL (Trinity College London)
The Licentiate Diploma in Brass Band Adjudication (LDDBA) is awarded by the University of Salford.
Licentiate Diploma of Music, Australia (1961)
She continues to learn and excel for her Performer's Licentiate Diploma at the Trinity College of Music, London when she was fourteen.