Musawasa, a Libyan prince: the Meshwesh, a Libyan tribe.
It may be possible that the power of the Libyan tribes prevented expansion in the neighborhood of the city for some time.
The oldest cited reference to "Amazigh" goes back to the neighboring ancient Egyptians when they mentioned an ancient Libyan tribe called Meshwesh.
Those Meshwesh are supposed by some scholars to be the same ancient Libyan tribe that was mentioned as Maxyans by the Greek historian Herodotus.
They denounced the marginalization of Libyan tribes with dark skin, who had been widely presented since the February 2011 events as foreign mercenaries.
This name, from which the name of the continent Africa is ultimately derived, seems to have referred to a native Libyan tribe originally, however, see Terence for discussion.
Nesy who was a chief of the Mahasun (a Libyan tribe) served as fourth prophet of Amun.
A ram-shaped oracle god whose name is unknown was worshiped by Libyan tribes at Siwa.
This name seems to have originally referred to a native Libyan tribe; however, see Terence for discussion.
The Machlyes were an ancient Libyan tribe.