She further criticized him on April 26, demanding Obama "step up and justify our Libyan involvement, or Americans are going to demand you pull out."
Sibomana also suggested Libyan involvement.
This label was the first indication of possible Libyan involvement.
The Malloum-Habré accord was perceived by Gaddafi as a serious threat to his influence in Chad, and he increased the level of Libyan involvement.
In 1986, the US bombed Libya in response to Libyan involvement in international terrorism.
She added, "Nothing learned since the bombing has led us to question Libyan involvement."
"The Russians think the Ukrainian nationalists were responsible for the snatch, but Aaron is hold-+ out for Libyan involvement."
I was a defence witness, but the trial was so skewed to prove Libyan involvement that the details of what I had to say was ignored.
Interviewed on the "Today" show, Burt said, "There is very, very clear evidence that there is Libyan involvement."
Dr. Kikhia's lawyer does not rule out Libyan and US involvement in his disappearance.