They said Algerian and Libyan diplomats were involved as mediators.
The charges have been denied by Libyan diplomats as propaganda.
Throughout Europe and in Japan, Libyan diplomats were ordered out.
And governments would be required to expel many Libyan diplomats and restrict the movement of those allowed to remain.
The Libyan diplomats had left their posts and the building was empty.
The reports followed Kenya's expulsion of five Libyan diplomats, including the charge d'affaires, over accusations that they were spies.
Libyan diplomats shot at 11 people and killed Yvonne Fletcher, a British policewoman.
Under pressure from mutinying Libyan diplomats the UN was brought to act.
As one former Libyan diplomat told me, "The ideology of the regime was not convincing at all, but the terror was very efficient."
Libyan diplomats did not respond to several telephone calls at their embassy or at their homes.