Henry Newmark, member of the Board of Library Commissioners, 1909 to 1916.
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (est.1890) is a state agency that supports public libraries in Massachusetts.
The system is overseen by a Board of Library Commissioners with five members appointed by the mayor of Los Angeles.
The Library's early years in the new building were characterized by disputes between the Library Commissioners and the city council.
Although the Library Commissioners refused to remove the criticized works, they were moved to a shelf in the librarian's office.
Weeks after taking over the new quarters, the matter of Sunday openings was before the Library Commissioners.
In 1912, however, the Library Commissioners asked each of these municipalities for an annual fee of $100, which would be applied to new book purchases.
He was appointed a member of the State Board of Library Commissioners in 1903, a post he held until his death.
There are 7 Library Commissioners, with the seventh commissioner being the current president of the Board of Education, who is an ex-offico commissioner.
Library Commissioners are appointed to 6 year staggered terms.