While in Germany, he regularly wrote for German press on Georgia and the Caucasus, and was involved in organizing a Georgian Liberation Committee.
In the aftermath of the October Revolution Cournos was involved with a London-based anti-Communist organization named The Russian Liberation Committee.
In London, she became a founder of the Russian Liberation Committee, edited its publications, and raised money for Russian orphans .
Chairman of the People's Liberation Committee of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo:
A Liberation Committee was established to aid independence movements and look after the interests of already-liberated states.
On 15 January 1945, Zhukov visited Lublin for a discussion with the Polish Liberation Committee of Bolesław Bierut.
He served as the leader of the Liberation Committee of Chamdo Prefecture until 1959.
Here, around you, are the National Council of the Resistance and the Parisian Liberation Committee.
In 1944-1945, the Liberation Committee ordered the demolition of the fountain, whose stones had been eroded by moisture, and built public toilets underground.
In 1968, she co-founded the Black Women's Liberation Committee of SNCC.