At the 1906 general election, the Liberals gained a national landslide.
In the 2004 general election the Liberals gained 16 seats under Kevin Taft.
It continued as a minority until November 1924 when the Liberals gained a seat in a by-election and became a majority again.
The Liberals have also gained support as the differences between the coalition partners on a federal level have become invisible.
It was a promising seat which the Liberals had nearly gained from the Conservatives in 1929.
By 2008, the Liberals had gained much of their support back in Alta Vista.
The Liberals gained an extra seat needed to retain power, but lost one in a subsequent by-election.
In the February 1974 general election, the Liberals gained 19.3% of the vote.
The Liberals gained 47 seats, giving them a total of 1,474 councillors.
In 1851, the Liberals gained office on Prince Edward Island.