Liberals, the authors write, see the growing economic pie as failing to feed the neediest and contend that some of the biggest winners are not all that deserving.
The governing Liberals contended that, although PST was a retail tax, the business sector was also subject to a 7% PST on most of its input; business in BC was put at a competitive disadvantage with business in other jurisdictions not subject to similar taxation.
The Liberals defended their conduct, and contended that a minority should not be allowed to impose its will on an elected majority.
Liberals contend that segregation is itself a sin, as a landmark essay in Commonweal argued in 1945.
Liberals, like Henry Aaron and Barry P. Bosworth of the Brookings Institution in Washington, contend that the Government should retain it.
Liberals contended that the idea was unproven, costly and likely to ignite a new arms race.
Liberals contended that the law was a subterfuge to maintain segregation.
Mr. Neilson replies: "The American revolutionists and the British Liberals contended for the maintenance of franchises already acquired; we oppositionists are reaching out our hands for freedom which we never possessed.
Liberals contend that the measure does not go far enough to help the poor, because it does not establish national minimum levels for welfare benefits.