Liberals have attempted to cite deficit reduction as their main concern; however, their records demonstrate that tax increases do not translate in deficit reduction.
The Liberals attempt to use the opportunity to add pressure on the Moderates and Labour who now form a minority government of two parties.
To counter the opposition tactics, the Liberals attempted to force closure-a vote ending debate and forcing a final vote-at every stage of the bill.
Towards the end of the campaign, the Liberals attempted to copy many Tory policies.
The Liberals attempted to counter this with an early election call, as this would give the Conservatives less time to consolidate their merger.
The Liberals campaigned under the slogan, "Take a stand for tomorrow", and attempted to portray the Diefenbaker government as "feeble", with a divided cabinet.
The Liberals under Luis Fernández de Córdova attempted to force this bridge.
Norris withdrew funding for French-language education in 1916, at a time when the federal Liberals were attempting to regain the support of Quebec nationalists.
The Liberals were aware of the problem facing them, and attempted to counter it.
The Liberals attempted to win the by-election by having every member of the Cabinet and many back benches in the Liberal caucus campaign in the district.