In the pared-down budget, the Legislature eliminated those passages entirely, arguing they should have been submitted as separate bills.
The Legislature must eliminate the six-month statute of limitations for teachers and school tenure for principals.
The Legislature could only eliminate spending items or reduce spending - two of its least-favorite occupations.
If the Legislature raises the cap or eliminates it, however, it is not clear that the change would be retroactive.
The current Republican-led Legislature has already eliminated $600 million by rolling back a one-cent increase in the sales tax.
But the Legislature also eliminated a number of large funds dear to Mr. Pataki over which it has little control.
To help close a $700 million budget gap, the Legislature eliminated the entire $5 million in state funding for the program this fiscal year.
The Legislature has also eliminated internships and hospital residency as preconditions for licensing for this group.
He said it was premature to predict whether the Legislature would eliminate the local boards.
The Legislature also eliminated part of the so-called marriage penalty.