He also said that he did not accept the job until the Legislative Ethics Committee ruled there was no conflict.
The official monitor for New York's legislative behavior is the joint Legislative Ethics Committee.
He has not reported owning stock in either company on the annual financial disclosure statements he filed with the Legislative Ethics Committee.
Currently, the legislative body, which will be renamed the Legislative Ethics Commission, is prevented from disclosing much of its work.
"My interests outside the Legislature have all been cleared and approved by the Legislative Ethics Committee," Bruno said.
At first blush, all of this sounds like something the Legislative Ethics Committee might be interested in.
Still, the Legislative Ethics Committee's members are barred from saying anything about these accusations, although lobbying officials say they have turned over the documents to them.
He was also a member of the Joint Committee On Legislative Ethics.
They are policed by a Legislative Ethics Committee made up of lawmakers, who have never fined a colleague for taking an illegal gift.
But on the enforcement side, the new bill would leave Legislative Ethics under the control of the lawmakers it is supposed to police.