From now on, the continued Syrian presence in Lebanon will not be seen as protection of Lebanese sovereignty but as the only real threat to it.
The summit called for an end to the civil war and for the PLO to respect Lebanese sovereignty.
Welcome as this peace is, it doesn't restore full Lebanese sovereignty.
The Christians have also insisted that any agreement here clearly state that Lebanese sovereignty will cover all of Lebanon.
Prime Minister Saad Hariri called the attack a "violation of Lebanese sovereignty and demands."
He demands withdrawal of Syrian occupation troops and restoration of Lebanese sovereignty.
Lebanese sovereignty cannot be restored by foreigners, only by cooperation among Lebanese.
Although the camps remained under Lebanese sovereignty the new arrangements meant that, after 1969, they became a key popular base for the guerrilla movement.
There will be no lasting peace in the Middle East until Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese sovereignty is upheld.
But a lasting peace will be achieved only when Lebanese sovereignty is restored.