We know of the plot to assassinate the Lebanese president.
The Lebanese president accepted his resignation on 23 March 2013.
A giant poster of the Lebanese president was ordered.
There's a plot to hit the Lebanese president, but Moscow thinks it's the wrong time.
During those years, two Lebanese presidents and a prime minister perished in mysterious explosions.
At the same time, both have emphasized that their sole objective is to create a proper climate for the election of a new Lebanese President.
At least until the Iranian spilled what he knew about a plot to assassinate the Lebanese president.
Parliament postponed a vote on a new Lebanese president for the 19th time, delaying the session to June 10, 2008.
Mr. Lahoud, the Lebanese president, put the point more bluntly.
It has not, and none of the Lebanese presidents handpicked by Syria have asked that it do so.