It also sent a direct message to Lebanese politicians, telling them to act on their words.
Lebanese politicians, religious figures and militia members have called on their countrymen to observe the strike in the areas they control.
But suddenly leading Lebanese politicians are issuing warnings about the likelihood that the military will splinter along factional lines.
But Lebanese politicians, who generally take their cue from Damascus, have reacted with a series of increasingly agitated statements.
Mahmoud Hammoud (born 1935) is a Lebanese politician and a retired career diplomat.
Lebanese politicians have begun focusing attention on the Palestinian militias as a critical security issue and have vowed to disarm them.
We will have to settle score with the Lebanese politicians.
It seems he might be very closely linked to a Lebanese politician in the Future Movement.
Samir Frangieh (born 1945) is a Lebanese politician and a leftist intellectual.
"This is our worst crisis since independence in 1943," a prominent Christian Lebanese politician said.