Second, Christians of us are of Lebanese origin and their ancestors came from the north to south.
Around 35,000 are of Palestinian and 15,000 of Lebanese origin.
A few days ago, another French citizen of Lebanese origin who had been held in the 1986 bombings was released without charges.
In Toronto, people of Lebanese origin made up less than a half a per cent of the total population.
Most of the 600 or so campers are of Lebanese origin.
Also, there are a few thousand residents of Lebanese origin who came to Jordan when civil strife and war broke out in their native country.
Other reports identified the second person as a Brazilian of Lebanese origin.
But such recent history has evidently not cooled the relationship between the two men, who share Lebanese origin.
It was popularised by local producers of Lebanese origin and is widely popular in the country.
He noted that the 99-seat parliament in Uruguay included two members with Lebanese origins including himself.